Tuesday, August 28, 2018

Go to Church - It's Good for You!

Seems like we’re always looking for ways to make life better and there may be one way closer than you think:  Going to church! Several studies have indicated that church attendance is good for your health (both physical and mental), good for your marriage, good for your kids, and may even add a few years to your life. It’s almost universally accepted that regular church attendance yields many positive benefits. (I’ve included some links at the end of this post if you want to check out some of the research yourself.)

Now, I know the saying, “Going to church doesn’t make you a Christian any more than going to a garage makes you an automobile.” So, what the research is talking about is more than just popping in and out of a building for an hour or so every once and a while. We’re talking about regular church attendance and an ongoing involvement in the community and service of the church.  It’s hard to deny – going to church is good for you.

Paul says as much when he writes to his protégé in the faith Timothy saying, “Training your body helps you in some ways, but serving God helps you in every way by bringing you blessings in this life and in the future life, too." (1 Timothy 4:8, NCV) Seems like Paul was ahead of the research on this one.

So, what are you waiting for, Christmas? I hear they’re open every Sunday and some even on Wednesdays.  You can probably find a group of Christians meeting on any night of the week.  If you’ve grown out of the habit of going to church, now’s the time to get back.  If you’ve never been to church, give it a try.  It’ll be good for you!


Why Do People of Faith Live Longer?

5 Surprising health benefits of church attendance

Should you raise your kids religious? Here’s what the science says

How declining church attendance harms society

Religion may be a miracle drug

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