We got Callie as a puppy, and she was all puppy. She raced around the back yard moving those
little legs faster than you thought was possible. When anyone would go out in the back yard Callie
would race to their side. We would later
get her a companion, Jem, and they would frolic in the back yard together
chasing each other and doing that dog wrestling thing that dogs do. But then one day, we noticed Callie was slowing
down a bit. She had even developed a
slight limp.
So, we brought her to the veterinarian to see what the
problem might be. After examinations and
tests the doctor told us that Callie had a condition called hip dysplasia. We were given the medical explanation of the disease,
but the bottom line was that Callie was in pain and although that pain could be
treated with medicine she would always suffer to some degree.
From that day on I became more of a dog person. I found myself a little more tolerant of her annoying
behavior and even found myself petting her more often. Knowing that she was in pain I treated her
with more compassion and kindness. Perhaps
a little rub on the belly would help her forget about that pain, even if just
for a moment. Isn't that what a person
should do? Be kind to others who are in
pain. That whole experience caused me to
reexamine how I treated my dog, but it also caused me to rethink how I treat
Back in 2004 I had to wear a cast on my leg and use crutches
for six weeks. During that time people
offered to hold doors, they yielded to me, they asked if they could do anything
for me. People treated me with an extra
measure of kindness. People treat
others better when they know they are in pain.
My bright orange cast was an
obvious sign of my pain. My hurt was apparent - most people hide their hurts so
that no one else knows the pain they are in.
I'm guilty of ignoring people at times and, I must admit,
sometimes I look at people as a nuisance more than anything else. Then, when I realize that most people are
bearing some sort of pain my response changes.
So now I take for granted that everyone needs any form of kindness that I
can offer up. And even if they show no signs
of pain, I just assume it, and, truth be
told, most people are in pain to some
degree - they just are very good about concealing it!
Perhaps we should find ourselves a little more tolerant of
others. Perhaps we should take the time
to be more compassionate and considerate to those around us. Maybe a kind word or a friendly gesture is
just what people need. After all, shouldn’t people be kind to others,
especially when they are in pain?
Ephesians 4:32 (NIV)
Be kind and compassionate to one another, forgiving each other,
just as in Christ God forgave