Thursday, February 06, 2025

Out of the shade and into the light

It’s been cold outside! Last week I walked into the office and commented that it's not fair that we have to suffer through the hot Texoma summers AND these sub-freezing temperatures. But here in Texas the snow and ice quickly melt away—except not in some places.

On my commute to church there is still a small patch of ice at one particular corner. It's odd that just about everywhere else the snow has seeped into the ground and the patches of ice have been transformed into puddles of water, but not there. And it doesn't take a meteorologist to figure out why. That little used intersection never sees direct sunlight. The trees above block the sun from shining on it and while the ice has melted all around it remains in this small patch of road that never feels the warmth of the sun.

We all go through cold and frigid seasons when our souls grow weary. Storms settle in and our hearts can grow cold. But thanks be to God the sun always comes out to thaw even the most frozen of hearts.

Even so, some remain cold because they never feel the warmth of God’s love. But unlike that shaded intersection we have a choice—a choice to move ourselves into the light and experience the ice-thawing joy of our Creator’s care.

This morning, I pray you feel it. Through our songs may the sunshine of the lyrics and the warmth of the melodies brighten your soul. In our prayers may the words we lift to God melt away doubts and concerns. May the Lord’s Supper chip away the ice of despair that can easily capture our souls. May the word proclaimed be a warm breeze driving away the chill of indifference. May the fellowship of believers defrost the biting cold of loneliness.

Thank you God for this gathering. Melt away the ice in our hearts and lead us into the glorious warmth of your presence.

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